Chapter, Verse, and Season: A Lectionary Podcast from Yale Bible Study
Writing a fresh, meaningful sermon every week can be challenging. Start your weekly sermon prep by listening to two Yale Divinity School professors chat about one of the upcoming Revised Common Lectionary texts.
Chapter, Verse, and Season: A Lectionary Podcast from Yale Bible Study
Bearers of Wisdom (Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost)
Yale Divinity School Faculty
Season 1
Episode 160
Harry Attridge and Joel Baden discuss wisdom literature, motherhood, and patriarchy in Proverbs 31:10-31. The text is appointed for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, in Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary.
More Yale Bible Study resources, including a transcript of this episode, at: https://YaleBibleStudy.org/podcast
Harold Attridge is Sterling Professor of Divinity at Yale Divinity School. Joel Baden is Professor of Hebrew Bible and Director of the Center for Continuing Education at Yale Divinity School.
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